Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Potential Cosmetics Market in Indonesia

Cosmetics Market Research and Outlook 2009-2017 (Top 10 Cosmetics Companies in Indonesia) was released by October 2016 featuring independent research, data, analysis, assessment and outlook regarding growth projections cosmetics industry in Indonesia, the competitive landscape, and profiles of quick highlights pemain- players in the industry, up to a market share analysis of cosmetic products with the highest level of competition.

This market research begins by presenting economic and market highlights Indonesia, include consumer trends and purchasing power, as well as the segmentation of middle-class consumers in Indonesia. (Page 2-4)

On page 5, presented terminology cosmetics from a Greek word meaning ornate. Followed by a brief profile of the national cosmetics industry on page 6, includes a number of companies, number of employees, export-import, as well as the cosmetic product segmentation.

On page 7, show the value of sales (market size) Indonesia cosmetic industry in the period 2009-2015 with a percentage growth. make exclusive research market growth in the cosmetics industry in Indonesia 2015-2017 on page 8.

On page 9-11, show the data of the top 10 largest cosmetic companies in Indonesia in terms of sales, market segments, as well as the trademark (brand) in Indonesia. This data is important as a reference market strategies and map the competition among brands of cosmetics.

Not to forget, on page 12, presented the top 8 of cosmetic products with the highest sales in the Indonesian market. Data top 8 best-selling cosmetics brand that can become a reference and reference more effective sales strategy, both market leaders and new comer.

On pages 13-15, make market research related lipstick market share per brand in Indonesia, the trend of the market share from 2010 to 2015, as well as the analysis of market leader. Especially for powder products, also displayed per brand and market share analysis of market leader on pages 16-17.

Subsequently, on pages 18-45 is the essence of this research is to show market intelligence to the four companies market leader in the cosmetics industry in Indonesia. Overview directed at financial performance, sales per category of products, marketing strategies, distribution network, production capacity and manufacturing facilities, as well as product development strategy.

In addition, at the end of this study show the global cosmetics market growth trends the period 2006-2015, as well as the top 5 global cosmetics company with sales value. (Page 46) While the biggest cosmetic product segments are grouped into skincase, haircare, make-up, fragrances, hygiene products, and others are calculated based on the composition of the market and the potential market in terms of geography shown on page 47.

Cosmetics Market Research and Outlook 2009-2017 (Top 10 Cosmetics Companies in Indonesia) as many as 48 pages comes from research with supporting data from BPS, World Bank, industry associations, government agencies, as well as a number of cosmetic companies in Indonesia and the world. Index of industry data is a new feature in featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented.(*)

Sources: click here
* Need more market research or industrial data in indonesia, click here

Persaingan Merek Kosmetik Makin Ketat, Ini Datanya

Riset Pasar dan Data Outlook Kosmetik 2009-2017 (Top 10 Perusahaan Kosmetik di Indonesia) ini dirilis per Oktober 2016 menampilkan riset independen, data, analisis, kajian, dan outlook mengenai proyeksi pertumbuhan industri kosmetik di Indonesia, peta persaingan, highlights dan profil ringkas pemain-pemain di industri ini, hingga analisis pangsa pasar sejumlah produk kosmetik dengan tingkat persaingan paling tinggi.

Riset pasar ini dimulai dengan menampilkan highlights ekonomi serta pasar Indonesia, dilengkapi tren konsumen dan tingkat daya beli, serta segmentasi konsumen kelas menengah di Indonesia. (halaman 2-4)

Pada halaman 5, disajikan terminologi kosmetik dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti berhias. Dilanjutkan dengan profil singkat industri kosmetik nasional pada halaman 6, berisi jumlah perusahaan, jumlah tenaga kerja, ekspor-impor, serta segmentasi produk kosmetik.

Di halaman 7, ditampilkan nilai penjualan (market size) industri kosmetik di Indonesia periode 2009-2015 disertai persentase pertumbuhannya. membuat riset eksklusif pertumbuhan pasar industri kosmetik di Indonesia 2015-2017 pada halaman 8.

Pada halaman 9-11, ditampilkan data top 10 perusahaan kosmetik terbesar di Indonesia berdasarkan nilai penjualan, segmen pasar, serta merek dagang (brand) di Indonesia. Data ini penting sebagai acuan strategi pasar dan peta kompetisi antar merek kosmetik.

Tak ketinggalan, pada halaman 12, disajikan top 8 produk kosmetik dengan nilai penjualan tertinggi di pasar Indonesia. Data top 8 merek kosmetik paling laris itu dapat menjadi acuan dan referensi strategi penjualan yang lebih efektif, baik bagi market leader maupun new comer.

Pada halaman 13-15, membuat riset pasar terkait pangsa pasar lipstik per merek di Indonesia, tren pangsa pasar 2010-2015, serta analisis market leader. Khusus untuk produk bedak, ditampilkan juga pangsa pasar per merek serta analisis market leader di halaman 16-17.

Selanjutnya, pada halaman 18-45 merupakan intisari riset ini yang menampilkan market intelligence terhadap 4 perusahaan market leader di industri kosmetik di Indonesia. Tinjauan diarahkan pada kinerja keuangan, penjualan per kategori produk, strategi pemasaran, jaringan distribusi, kapasitas produksi dan fasilitas pabrik, serta strategi pengembangan produk.

Sebagai tambahan, pada akhir riset ini ditampilkan tren pertumbuhan pasar kosmetik global periode 2006-2015, serta top 5 perusahaan kosmetik global dengan nilai penjualannya. (halaman 46) Sementara segmentasi produk kosmetik terbesar dikelompokkan menjadi skincase, haircare, make-up, fragrances, hygiene product, dan lainnya yang dihitung berdasarkan komposisi pasar serta potensi pasar dari sisi geografis ditampilkan pada halaman 47.

Riset Pasar dan Data Outlook Kosmetik 2009-2017 (Top 10 Perusahaan Kosmetik di Indonesia) sebanyak 48 halaman ini berasal dari riset dengan dukungan data yang berasal dari BPS, Bank Dunia, asosiasi industri, instansi pemerintah, serta sejumlah perusahaan kosmetik baik di Indonesia maupun dunia. Indeks data industri merupakan fitur terbaru di yang menampilkan puluhan data pilihan sesuai kebutuhan users. Seluruh data disajikan dalam bentuk pdf sehingga mudah didownload setelah users melakukan proses sesuai prosedur, yakni klik beli (purchase), klik checkout, dan isi form. mengutamakan keabsahan dan validitas sumber data yang disajikan.(*)

Sumber: di sini
* Butuh riset pasar atau data industri lainnya, klik di sini