Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

Pemasok Ayam Potong Terpercaya

Inkukhu (fast delivery chicken) merupakan brand baru yang dikembangkan duniaindustri.com untuk melengkapi Divestama. Brand Inkukhu ini diperkenalkan dengan tujuan menghadirkan kecepatan dan kualitas dalam menghadirkan berbagai jenis produk ayam berkualitas sampai ke rumah Anda.

Kami menyadari, ayam sebagai salah satu sumber protein yang paling besar dikonsumsi publik merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk berinvestasi di sektor fast moving consumer product. Berdasarkan data duniaindustri.com, konsumsi ayam mencakup 65% dari konsumsi daging masyarakat Indonesia, terbesar dibanding jenis daging lainnya. Karena itu, kami menghadikan brand Inkukhu ini untuk menopang perputaran distribusi yang cepat.

Dengan dukungan alur distribusi yang mencukupi, kami ingin menyediakan berbagai jenis ayam siap konsumsi dengan harga yang jauh kompetitif. Kami akan terus mengembangkan brand ini dengan inovasi baru untuk memberikan nilai tambah bagi penggunanya.

Ayam Potong Inkhuku
(Higienis dan halal, Segar Selalu)

Informasi Lebih Lanjut dan Pemesanan, Hubungi:

Tim Duniaindustri.com
Andryanto Suwismo
Executive Duniaindustri.com
Email: andry.dry@gmail.com
WA: 08896583870
HP: 08896583870

Suci Widyaningsih
Corporate Secretary Duniaindustri.com
Email: uchy@desainbagus.com

Jl. Mandar XII DD2/69 Bintaro Sektor 3 Jakarta Selatan
Kavling Pelita Air Service Blok B nomor 24, Rangkapan Jaya Baru, Pancoran Mas, Depok, 16434.

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016

Motorcycle Industry Data in Indonesia

Market Research and Motorcycle Industry Data (Brand Sales Trend Motorcycles Per Province) which was released in August 2016 showing all information, data, independent research, as well as projected markets and trends motorcycles in Indonesia. From the start of the market value (market size), sales trends, the ratio of ownership, number of population, as well as the composition of the motorcycle market research and data presented in this industry.

Market Research and Motorcycle Industry Data (Brand Sales Trend Motorcycles Per Province) was started from the beginning by showing highlights macroeconomic Indonesia, covering GDP growth from 2014 to 2019, the trend of inflation, population, middle-class consumer trends, the potential of the local market, as well as trends GDP per capita. (Page 2-4)

Furthermore, market research showing trends car and motorcycle sales in Indonesia 2005-2019 (estimate) in an interesting graphic. (Page 5) Motorcycle sales grew by the highest percentage in the period 2006-2011 historically from 4.42 million units to 8.01 million units.

Trends in the competitive landscape of the market share per brand motorcycle clearly presented with an interesting diagram on page 6. Data on the number of motors operating described on page 7 complete with the track record of the period 2006-2016, supplemented with average growth trends and market penetration rate and classification consumer views of their income.

Beginning on page 8, duniaindustri.com make independent research specifically related to the motor industry from Indonesia picture motor industry globally (page 8), population and market value (market size) Indonesian motor industry (page 9), motorcycle ownership ratio compared to the total population (page 10), and the motor market analysis 2015 (page 11).

The composition of the motorcycle segment with an attractive graphical display on page 12. Then, motorcycle sales trends per region in Indonesia in detail described on page 13, complete with a sales volume per island in the country.

This research followed by analysis by province motorcycle sales and market share of each brand (brand). Analysis was equipped with motorcycle sales trends in 10 provinces which became the largest market in Indonesia, complete with a market share of each brand of motorcycle. (Pages 14-16)

Top 10 provinces with the largest motorcycle sales in Indonesia are also presented in a fairly long period (2012-2015) to show trends in a comprehensive manner. (Pages 17-20)

In addition, the data showing motor components industry in Indonesia, especially the motorcycle wheel industry, from manufacturers and brand competition wheels, wheels industry market structure in Indonesia, as well as the market value of the motorcycle wheel industry in this country. (Pages 21-25)

Market Research and Motorcycle Industry Data (Brand Sales Trend Motorcycles Per Province) also displays the policy direction (grand strategy) government to develop a two-wheeler industry, investment opportunities, as well as regulation and incentives. (Pages 26-29)

Market Research and Motorcycle Industry Data (Brand Sales Trend Motorcycles Per Province) as much as a 30 page pdf is derived from various sources such as industry associations namely the Association of Indonesian Motorcycle Industries (AISI), the regulator in Indonesia such as BPS, Ministry of Industry, Investment Coordinating Board, the Police , the World Bank, as well as a motor company. Index of industry data is a new feature in duniaindustri.com featuring dozens of selected data according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf form so easily downloaded after users perform processes according to the procedure, ie click buy (purchase), click checkout, and fill out the form. Duniaindustri.com priority to the legitimacy and validity of the source of the data presented.(*)

Source: click here
* Need others industrial database in Indonesia, click here
** Need trading hub in Indonesia, click here
*** Wants to invest in Indonesia, click here

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

Industrial Trading Hub in Indonesia

Duniaindustri.com unlock new features namely trading hub that serves as a facilitator (connection) between industry and suppliers (suppliers). With the support of members were great and the internal search engine, the entire industrial needs your efforts can we swatch suppliers, of course with the advantages of excellent quality, competitive prices, and best services.

We recognize in every line of business across all industry sectors require suppliers (suppliers), particularly to meet the needs of raw materials, auxiliary materials, marketing materials, material administration, to other supporting materials. It was intended to sustain the process of industrial production continues to distribution (export-import) to after sales service.

With the support of a solid team, we can be one total solution to escort (escort) your business to success. The entire industry value chain (supply-demand chain) require raw materials, auxiliary materials, marketing materials, material administration, to other supporting materials. However, the price, a proper search, and time is usually an obstacle. For that we are here to help your business.

All done in three easy stages:
1. Listing your needs related to the search of raw materials, auxiliary materials, marketing materials, material administration, to other supporting materials, as well as specifications and quantity.

2. Send the listing in the form of email to us.

3. Immediately after that, we will return with an offer letter from the ingredients you need.
Just three easy and free way. You do not have to bother, and save energy.

Newest Listing Trading Hub:

Our clients have a supply of as much as 48,000 tons of diesel fuel - 200 thousand tons of Angola. Supply of diesel was offered at a competitive price below the market price, FOB. Clean and clear legal status.

Our client has a land area of ​​25 hectares in Dumai, Riau, wanted to find a partner to plant oil palm or pineapples with the scheme win win solution. The land is land clearing, guaranteed its legality, and there is no conflict.

Our clients are interested in selling 10 units of dump trucks with specifications Hino FM 260 types of IT in 2012. The offering price of Rp 550 million per unit.

Our client offers LAND + PLANTATION (still active) private collections, spacious 261 hectares, the price of Rp 95 billion, locations in East Java, Tulungagung, District Responsibility Mountains. Estates which we offer contours of the land to be flat, not steep, not steep, and there is no gulf. So that a large truck or trailer trucks can enter into the plantation, in the plantations are also a lot of paved access roads that facilitate the entry of truck fleet and transport the plantation. For the irrigation system at the location of the land is easy and plentiful, it is characterized by the many plants that we developed in our location. Currently our location planted with crops of industrial wood (sengon, coconut, white teak, acacia, cocoa, cashew) and there are still other crops such as maize, cassava, etc. Land that we offer in the form CERTIFICATE HGU still active until 2033. Please contact us for more information.(*)

Sources: click here